It got pretty hairy there down the stretch, and even Noctet Studios thought the campaign was going to be a failure, but a last minute surge over the past couple days has meant the Slipstream Kickstarter has been funded.
The campaign’s goal was to raise only $6,000 and ended today raising $6,869 from 443 backers.
The racing game is heavily inspired by classic racers from the ’80s and ’90s, like OutRun, and we really enjoyed the demo when we played it a few weeks ago. However, midway through its campaign, the developers announced some huge, fundamental changes to the game in hope that it’d attract more donations.
“We want to thank you all again, for donating and believing in this project,” an update read on the Kickstarter page. “We’ll do our best to not disappoint you. With the money from this campaign we’ll be able to dedicate ourselves full-time to this game, and make it the best we can.”
Once complete, Slipstream will release on PC, Mac and Linux via Steam, and will feature four different racing modes, 30 tracks, four playable cars and eight original songs. Like the name suggests, it will implement a unique gameplay element where players can “slipstream,” also known as drafting, behind other cars to outpace other cars.