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Phantasy Star Generation 2 has been translated to English


Back in 2005, SEGA released a remake of the original Phantasy Star II for the PlayStation 2 and it unfortunately never made its way to the west. According to a new post from Phantasy Star Cave, an English translation of Phantasy Star 2 Generation is now available to the public!

It is important to not that this version is an open beta:

Many pieces of equipment and techniques have had their names revised from their previous incarnations. Namely, many appeared to be German words spelled phonetically in Japanese (i.e., “Nish” is was actually spelled in Japanese as “Harnisch” which is German for “Armor.” Thus, it was decided many techniques will not be seen as they were in previous games like PSO or earlier. This was a collaborative effort with the members of the PSCave forum. A document noting specific changes for reference will be provided with the translated ISO (CRC32: C10FD10C) and the patch.

If you want to try out the game yourself, click here! You can check out the screenshots of Phantasy Star Generation 2 below!

via Phantasy Star Cave 

Marcin Gulik

Been a gamer all my life. Studied Sociology and Criminology in college, and traveled for a bit. I like long walks on the beach and I like to listen to... (wait wrong site....) Sega Dreamcast and Shenmue all the way!

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