Complete WONFES 2016 WINTER – SEGA Figure Lineup
February 7, 2016. Makuhari Messe, Chiba Japan.
Licensed SEGA partners unveiled a huge figure lineup on the Wonfes 2016 Winter (a hobby model kits and toy figure event by Kaiyodo where Japanese Manufacturers unveil their upcoming lineups per season) event this Sunday in Japan. SEGA Games and SEGA Interactive have been very efficient in terms of merchandising licensing during the past 3 years, it has also become a good source of income besides the games sector, so its no surprise that more and more brands are interested in more releases and SEGA participating in every edition.
This year’s lineup has become huge, check it out below:
Kaiyodo’s figure partner, Union Creative, has been releasing a new series of 12 cms tall articulated videogame licensed action figures (same format as Max Factory’s Figmas and Bandai’s FiguARTs) line called Vulcanlog (see their Monster Hunter and MGS releases). So the exciting news is that they are now partnering with SEGA to release… Jet Set Radio Vulcanlogs. The Beat figure prototype was showcased at their booth, announced for a 2016 release, take a look below:
RC Berg released an exclusive Space Harrier and IDA Model kit at the event! Don’t They look gorgeous? Harrier came in 2 scales.
GSC, the figure brand from Sumida, Tokyo has gained a lot of popularity on the recent years thanks to its popular Nendoroids and 1:7 figures. Besides that, they have a big range of partners for distribution, this was the booth with more SEGA figure releases:
- FREEing
FREEing showcased its upcoming Virtua Fighter Figmas in collaboration with Max Factory (which owns the Figma line). Both versions (costume versions) of Akira Yuki and Sarah Bryant look gorgeous on that Saturn square polygon aesthetic. Plus, a Persona Aegis on kimono 1:7 figure was on their display. Ren & Lin figures were announced by them too.
- Max Factory
Max Factory showcased their upcoming Yakuza Figmas: the final Kazuma Kiryu painted version and the Majima Goro prototype yet to be announced for preorders.
P3: The Movie Yuki Makoto Figma, Odin Sphere Gwendolyn Figma, and 7th Dragon III Samurai 1:7 statue figures were announced.
- Phat! Company
Phat! showcased its Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Gwendolyn Parfom (a middle range chibi deformed line) figure on their display.

- Wave
Wave showcased its upcoming 1:12 scale SEGA Astro City Arcade Cabinet model kit, and for those also interested they announced Namco arcade cabinets model kits as well.
Good Smile announced a new SEGA Feat. Hatsune Miku line called Nendoroid Code, lots of Nendoroid Project Diva X figures, and Vocaloid mini nendos.
GSC showcased its Robot Dancing Miku collab with iDoll.
Vertex unveiled its Summer Swimsuit Selvaria figure from the Valkyria Chronicles Duel mobile game. They had their White version Selvaria as Wonfes exclusive sale figure.
Alphamax announced a Chunithm figure, showcased its upcoming SEGA Feat Miku and Shining Resonance Sonia figures.
Kotobiukiya acquired rights to produce Sakura Taisen figures, they started by showcasing a Sakura Shinguji 1:7 figure prototype. Their 7th Dragon III Fortuner 1:7 figure was also on display.
Ques announced a Valkyria Chronicles D Bunny Selvaria figure. They showcased their God Hand Odong figure.
Japanese Vidoegame culture T-Shirt, figure, and goods brand, GEEKLIFE showcased new Altered Beast Haggar (which we unwrapped over here) and Space Harrier Mammoth (which we unwrapped over here) color variant sofubis. Plus SEGA Classic Games new resin plastic mini figurines which include: Golden Axe, Power Drift, Altered Beast, and Space Harrier.
Aquamarine showcased its P4D Arabian costume Rise figure and announced they will be producing a Sakura Shinguji with Kobu figure for the Sakura Wars anniversary.
XPLus showcased an Atlus Jack Frost giant (40 cms tall) figure.
Medicom showcased its upcoming Hatsune Miku Project Diva F RAH (Real Action Heroes) 1:6 figure.
Orchid showcased a Shining Tears x Wind Kureha figure and an Atlus Dragon’s Crown Sorceress figure.
Volks unveiled its HUnewearl Charagumin model kit, and showcased its FONEwearl, and Puyo Puyo Charagumin model kits.
There was also a space for their SEGA feat Hatsune Miku Dollfie Dolls.
SEGA Prize showcased its upcoming new SEGA Hard Girls cheaper figures:
PSO2 upcoming merch:
Plus lots of upcoming UFO Catcher prize figures from many anime licenses such as Heavy Object, Evangelion 20th Anniversary, Nisekoi, Monogatari, Dagashi Kashi, Love Live, and Charlotte. Plus, Star Wars.
They also displayed their upcoming SEGA feat Hatsune Miku figures as well.
SEGA Prize had a special giant box were cosplayers could take pictures as if they were figures.
This was the SEGA merch lineup at their booth:
COSPA is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, so they will be releasing lots of new costumes, including a Sakura Shinguji kimono!
Hasegawa showcased its Virtual On model kits and released along SEGA its Virtual ON 20th Anniversary book, “Silhoutte 30”.
Lots of indie sculptors released model kits at the event, some did Panzer Dragoon amazing kits:
Others did SEGA Saturn Console miniatures (ignore the Sony ones).
Puyo Puyo models, custom Space Channel 5 Nendo Mikus, and as well.
Not that exciting for our wallets right? The SEGA figure lineup for this year looks amazing! Are looking forward for any of these in particular? Let us know in the comments below!