Here’s everything that happened at the Sonic Fan Event 2015
Tokyo, Japan, December 27th, 2015. The Annual Sonic Fan Event was held at the Odaiba, Minato-ku Tokyo Joypolis as usual, hosted by Sonic series producer Takashi Iizuka, character designer and illustrator Yuuji Uekawa, with Sonic series sound producers Tomoya Ohtani and Jun Senoue.
The event began at 2PM (JST) with the producers introductions, followed by a Sonic Runners concert performed by Jun and Ohtani. a 3D Sonic the Hedgehog competition, and a Sonic & Unathletic Amanita Muscaria addict plumber at the Rio 2016 Olympics arcade and 3DS version introduction plus an explanation that the Wii U version will be announced later on 2016. Izuka took the time to explain Sonic Boom Fire & Ice has been delayed for quality reasons and will be announced during 2016. Later on a Sonic series competition was held with pre-selected participants: NRK the Hedgehog, Nanaoten, Hiruko, Knux, and Nakki.
The event continued with Uekawa’s artwork giveaways and merch raffles.
Then preceding to answer questions from the public. The event concluded with 7 announcements:
- Annipon Sonic Shoes preorders will start on February 2016
- Sonic the Hedgehog x Monster Gear collab is currently taking place on Mobile for Japanese players.
- A new Symphonic SEGA concert will happen in July 17th, 2016
- Jun Senoue the Works II will be released on February 24th, 2016.
- ESP will release commercially Jun’s Shadow guitar.
- and… Sonic 25th Anniversary Kickoff event will be called “SONIC ADVENTURE MUSIC EXPERIENCE” (tentative title). Which will be an instrumental concert at the FutureSEVEN venue in Tokyo’s Minami-Aoyama on April 2nd, 2016.
- Sonic 25th Anniversary logo unveiled
Jun Senoue closed the stage part with a Sonic Adventure music concert:
Additional event only exclusive merch and meals were available at the venue, enjoy the gallery below:
【お知らせ】ソニック生誕25周年を祝う2016年度のキックオフイベントとして、2016年4月2日(土)に東京・南青山のFutureSEVENにて、ソニックのステージ曲などインスト曲を演奏する、”SONIC ADVENTURE MUSIC EXPERIENCE”(仮)を開催します!
— crush40 (@crush40) December 27, 2015
The event finished with the classic meet & greet: