SEGA is gearing up for its biggest presence ever at this year’s EAG International, an annual amusement and leisure show, in London on Jan. 13-15.
In total, SEGA will have 29 games on display, six of those licensed games, in 64 cabinet configurations, according to InterGame. The recently announced Showdown will be there, as well as its other big arcade titles like Transformers and Plants vs. Zombies.
Showdown will be featured in SEGA’s Special Attraction cabinet, described as “the next generation of video attractions.” Meanwhile, Transformers and Plants vs. Zombies will also have super-sized versions in an 80-inch and 60-inch screen.
Some new titles will be Pan Amusement’s pirate-themed shooting gallery Captain Black, a Kung Fu Panda ticket-redemption game and Gold Fishin’, a carnival-themed game.
While SEGA’s arcade lineup certainly doesn’t include the iconic classics that we’ve come to love, it’s still nice to know its arcade division is still producing games.