Yesterday, we learned about the Sonic: Lost World Deadly Six Edition, which has been renamed Deadly Six Bonus Edition in the U.S., that pits Sonic against some of the Nightmaren bosses from NiGHTS into Dreams. Today, SEGA has released some additional information and images of the game.
“It’s Sonic’s worst NiGHTMARE! Sonic has been sucked into a world of nightmares created by Wizeman, and must defeat the Deadly Six, who are riding on gigantic Nightmaren monsters inspired from the game NiGHTS into Dreams,” the post reads.
It turns out, it will be an exclusive, single level that people will get access to through a redeemable code after they’ve pre-ordered the game. Once the “NiGHTMARE DLC” level is completed, players will receive a special Color Power.
It appears this bonus edition is exclusive to the Wii U and not the 3DS, but we’re still awaiting clarification from SEGA.
[Via SEGA Blog]